Reminders for tomorrow morning, November 13:
College Tour students need to be at school no later than 6:15 a.m.
MathCounts is at 7:00 a.m.
Picture Retake Day is Wednesday.
New England Booster Club Raffle Winner - November 9th - Amy Rayhorn - New England - $100!! Congratulations Amy!!
Gr. 9-12 GBB practice begins on Monday, November 12 at 10 a.m.
New England Public School would like to know if you/your child would be interested in riding the bus if we started an in-town route. If you are interested, please contact Julie Opdahl at 579-4160.
Gr. 4-6 boys basketball will have practice Thursday after school at St. Mary’s.
Reminder to senior parents: Stop in for help today after school until 6:30 pm with FAFSA!
There has been a time change for the junior high GBB game on Thursday, November 8. The girls will play Bowman at our gym beginning at 3:00 p.m. tomorrow.
For those students who plan on attending the College Tour field trip your permission slips are due to Mrs. Reisenauer tomorrow, Wednesday, November 7.
Junior high GBB and junior high BBB practice will be at DWCRC today, November 6.
On Tuesday, November 6th community residents will have an opportunity to vote on the New England Public School District proposed bond referendum. Voting will take place at New England Public School from 9:00 AM until 7:00 PM.
MathCounts Reminder: 7 am every Tuesday Morning!
Junior high boys will have basketball practice immediately after school in our gym.
Junior high girls will have basketball practice at 4 p.m. at the DWCRC today.
There is no 4th grade boys’ basketball game tonight. Only fifth and sixth graders will be attending the game this evening. The bus will still leave at 2:30 today, and the game is still in Taylor at 4:00 p.m.
Let’s wear ORANGE and BLACK tomorrow in support of our volleyball girls who will be playing in Regionals at 2 p.m. at Trinity.
If you intend to have your student leave early for the game, please send a note with him or her tomorrow. Please indicate the method of transportation by which he or she will get to the game and the time of dismissal.
Thank you!
New England Booster Club Raffle Winner - November 2nd - Ace Fischer - New England - $100!! Way to go, Ace!!
On November 6th, New England Public School will hold a bond election for a General Obligation of approximately $5.6 million dollars. In order to pass this bond, the school needs 60% of the voters in favor of this obligation.
The purpose for which the bonds are to be issued is to provide funds, together with any other funds available, to construct, remodel, improve and equip the current school buildings to include additions for classrooms, cafeteria, physical education, music, public fitness facility, and to make site improvements to school property.
As I have mentioned on numerous occasions, our school has reached its capacity. Our student enrollment has more than doubled over the past nine years bringing our total student enrollment to 299 students in grades Pre-kindergarten through 12th grade in 2018.
Increased enrollment brings both opportunities and some challenges. To accommodate students, the district has had to utilize every classroom and every possible space we have available. Spaces that were not designed for instruction, such as storage closets, hallways, and the cafeteria, are regularly used for teaching and learning in an effort to meet current needs.
Senate Bill No. 2178 authorized the Bank of North Dakota to provide up to $250 million for school construction loans to eligible school districts. Eligibility for school districts includes the following criteria:
• New construction or remodeling projects with a cost of at least $1 million and an expected utilization of at least 30 years;
• Project approval by the Superintendent of Public Instruction; and
• Bond authorization.
The loan awards are subject to the advice and consent of the Superintendent of Public Instruction with priority given to student capacity, academic needs, safety and security, project costs, and other criteria established in rule by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. An eligible school district is limited to $20 million of loans from this program, we are looking at $5.6 million.
The loans are for a 20-year term unless the school district requests a shorter term. The interest rates on the loans will not exceed 2 percent. If we don’t utilize the School Construction Loan Program, we will have to look at Lease Revenue Bonds we will be servicing a bond rate of around 4% to 4.5%. Just the difference in interest rates would add an additional $50,000 to $60,000 per year in debt service to this proposed project.
As a school, we must publish this notice of general obligation in our local paper. The state defines how we publish this notice. In the Herald, the notice will read, “If approved, the bond issue will result in an estimated additional millage of 25.98 mills, equal to $25.98 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation for the first taxable year.” With some additional revenue sources, the school has access to, we will not need the advertised 26 mills to see this project through. With the additional revenue, from other sources, I estimate the additional mills to be around 8-9 mills.
The tax impact, at 8 or 9 mills, on a house appraised at $100,000 would be an additional $36 per year. The tax impact on the average acre of land would amount to about $.22 per acre per year. The tax impact on commercial property appraised at $50,000 would be an additional $20 per year.
We need to address the needs we have in our district. A “yes” vote would allow us to utilize The School Construction Loan money saving the district between $50,000 to $60,000 a year. This project would also set New England Public School up for the next generation of students in our community.
See you at the polls on November 6th!
Thursday, 11/1 ....Today’s 4-5-6 boys’ basketball game has been moved to Belfield. We apologize for the inconvenience!
Just a reminder, New England Public School will be hosting a public forum to discuss the proposed building project Thursday, November 1st starting at 6:30 PM in the gymnasium.
Boys fourth, fifth, and sixth grade basketball practice has been cancelled for tonight, Wednesday, October 31st.
New England Booster Club Raffle Winner - October 26th - $100 - Branigan Robinson - Dickinson!! Congrats, Branigan!!!