The track meets on Saturday, April 27, and Monday, April 29, have been cancelled.
over 5 years ago, Lori Fitterer
Students interested in taking Drivers Education need to sign up in the office by Friday, May 2, 2019. The student must be 14 by May 31, 2019 and the cost for Drivers Education is $155. Make checks to New England Public School. Call Mrs. Reisenauer if you have any questions.
over 5 years ago, Lori Fitterer
Elementary volleyball girls need to return their CLEANED uniforms to Mrs. Ryder tomorrow, April 26.
over 5 years ago, Lori Fitterer
The NEPS physical education classes in grades four through nine will be taking bowling classes from May 1 to May 8. Students need to bring in five dollars for bowling. Please turn the money into Mrs. Ryder no later than Friday, April 26.
over 5 years ago, Lori Fitterer
Quilt Raffle Winners were picked last Thursday with the proceeds going to classroom libraries! The Quilt Raffle winners were: Desiree White Cloud (8th Grader at NEHS) - "Where the Wild Things Are!" Sandi Lien - New England - "Diary of A Wimpy Kid" & Courtney DeYoung - New England - "Country Kids & Farm Animals" Congratulations & "THANKS" to everyone who supported this fundraiser & bought tickets!
over 5 years ago, Julie Opdahl
Quilt Raffle
At 2:00 PM today, Wednesday, April 24th we will be training our faculty and staff on using the NDESC website for requisitions/PO's. The North Dakota Educators Service Cooperative (NDESC) is a joint powers organization of school districts and other governmental groups working together to achieve savings on goods and services. You will need to bring your Surface or use one of the computers in the Business Room.
over 5 years ago, Kelly Koppinger
There will be a booster club meeting at 6:30 PM tonight, Wednesday, April 24, at Memorial Hall.
over 5 years ago, Lori Fitterer
Pick up SPORTS PHYSICAL FORMS from the office ASAP. Fifth graders through juniors may register for a physical on April 24 or May 1. The $30 cost of the physical is donated back to the school by WRHS. A bus will transport the students back and forth to the clinic on those days.
almost 6 years ago, Lori Fitterer
New England Booster Club Raffle Winner for April 19th is Lois Myran - Taylor - $100.00!! Good for you, Lois!!
almost 6 years ago, Julie Opdahl
Booster Club Raffle Winner
New England Booster Club Raffle Winners for April 12th are Darrell & Dorita Kuhn - Lefor - $100.00!! Congratulations, Kuhn's!!
almost 6 years ago, Julie Opdahl
Booster Club Raffle Winner
Sports physicals will be on April 24 and May 1. Please refer to the flyer for further details.
almost 6 years ago, Lori Fitterer
The freshmen class will be attending a career fair tomorrow, April 17. The bus leaves at 7:30 a.m. SHARP! It will be returning by 12:30 p.m. —in time for lunch.
almost 6 years ago, Lori Fitterer
Thank you to our students and the parents who volunteered to speak with the Visitation Team from AdvancEd. We appreciate your time!
almost 6 years ago, Lori Fitterer
The Quilt Raffle Drawing for the classroom library fundraiser will be held on Thursday, April 18. It's not too late to buy tickets! Tickets will be available at the volleyball game on Tuesday, prior to the athletic banquet on Wednesday, or anytime from Julie.
almost 6 years ago, Lori Fitterer
School will dismiss today, April 12, at 12:16 pm today with buses leaving at 12:20 pm. There is NO afternoon session of preschool at 11:00 today!
almost 6 years ago, Lori Fitterer
The varsity track meet for Friday has been canceled. There is no junior high track meet on Saturday.
almost 6 years ago, Lori Fitterer
It’s that time of the year. Our 2018-2019 New England Public yearbook is ready to order. If you need any more information, please contact Miss Mansfield.
almost 6 years ago, Kelly Koppinger
2018-2019 Yearbook information
Check out this flyer for the upcoming Athletic Banquet!
almost 6 years ago, Lori Fitterer
The fourth grade volleyball game has been cancelled. The fifth and sixth grade students will play at 4:00 and 4:30. The fourth graders will still be going but will play in the fifth grade game.
almost 6 years ago, Lori Fitterer
Here are the Junior High Track results from Monday, April 8th in Bowman. Good job teams!
almost 6 years ago, Kelly Koppinger
JH Track results