The FINAL New England Booster Club Raffle Winner for the 2018 - 19 year is..............Ron Anderson from Hamstead, NC!!! (a lifetime friend of Shawn Flaherty) He's just won $500!!!! Congratulations, Ron and thanks for your support of our 'Tiger' Booster Club!!
Join us at the 3rd Grade Wax Museum TODAY, May 10, from 1:30 to 2:30 in the gym!
Buses leave at 8:30 am for Band Night. Dress appropriately for cold weather, wear your band night shirts, caps or beanies, sunglasses, sunscreen. Nice blue jeans, not torn or that have holes. Comfortable shoes also need to be worn, no sandals or flip flops. The students also need to bring their own lunch and have money for the mall and for food after the parade.
Grades 3-12 Spring concert is at 6:30 tonight, May 8. All band students need to be at the school by 6 to the music room. All 7-12 grade choir students need to be here at 6 to the music room. Everyone else needs to be in their home rooms by 6:15.
Check Lost & Found one more time!
The baseball game that was scheduled for today, May 7, has been postponed until Saturday, May 11, at 1:00 PM. There is NO baseball practice today.
Please check your email for a detailed description regarding the last week of school.
Junior high track students need to turn in sweats, jackets, shorts, and tops by Wednesday. Varsity track needs to turn in their old jerseys by Wednesday!
Grades 3-12 Spring concert is at 6:30 on Wednesday, May 8.
All band students need to be at the school by 6 to the music room.
All 7-12 grade choir students need to be here at 6 to the music room.
Everyone else needs to be in their home rooms by 6:15 in their best dress clothes.
Please no jeans and tee shirts, no shorts of any kind. Look sharp for our formal concert. 7-12 grade students please wear black on black concert attire. Ties are optional.
Bowman County is postponing the track meet schedule for Tuesday, May 7, until Saturday, May 11. Field events will start at noon on Saturday. Running events will begin at 1 PM.
The New England Booster Club Raffle Winner for May 3rd is Kristi Madler - New England - - - $100.00!! Way to go, Miss Kristi!!! (Next week is the final drawing for the year & it's for $500.00!!!!!)
There is no junior high track practice tonight, Thursday, May 2. There is a junior high track meet tomorrow in Killdeer. They will eat lunch before they leave. Please be sure to pack everything necessary!!!
In case you missed the message, there is NO academic awards banquet tonight. The ceremony will be held on the last day of school, Thursday, May 16, 2019.
There will be a final EARLY OUT day on Tuesday, May 14th. School will be dismissed at 12:15 p.m. on that day.
The awards banquet for grades seven through 12 that was originally scheduled for May 1 will be held during the last day of school on Thursday, May 16.
The Badlands conference track meet for varsity will be held in Bowman on Thursday, May 2, beginning at noon.
The varsity track meet that was scheduled for Saturday, May 4, has been canceled.
The forms for the basketball camp on May 28th, 29th and 30th are due May 1st. If your child will be in grades 3-12 next year and is interested in improving his/her basketball skills, please submit a form with a $50 check to the office.
Extra forms are located outside the coaches’ office on the bulletin board or can be picked up in the office. The boys’ and girls’ basketball programs would love to see all students interested in basketball attend this camp!
Baseball tonight, Monday, April 29th has been cancelled.
The varsity track meet scheduled for Tuesday, April 30th in Hazen has been postponed.
Tiger’s own fourth grader Ryan Rustan and Dickinson Soccer Club U11/12 Black participated in the Magic City Classic soccer tournament in Billings,Montana, this weekend. They won the championship game in their age bracket against Billings United, 5-3.
Job opportunity for people ages 18 and up: BE A CENSUS TAKER for the U.S. 2020 Census.
Call 1-855-JOB-2020
NEHS Prom is tomorrow, April 27. The doors will open to the public at 7:45 p.m. Grand March and Coronation are at 8:00 p.m. The first dance will be around 8:30 p.m. Lights up will follow to allow the public to take pictures. Doors will close to the public promptly at 9:00 p.m.
New England Booster Club Raffle Winner for April 26th is Keith Hanson - New England - $100.00!! Congratulations, Keith!!