The fundraising packets for the Kid Heart Challenge (Jump Rope for Heart) are due Friday, February 15th.
Audio recording of the Understanding your Pets play will take place PROMPTLY at 7 am Monday, February 11 in the Computer room. It is IMPERATIVE that all cast members are ready to go at 7 am. Please come early.
Practice for drama student for the Spring 2019 Play of Understanding your Pets will be on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 am each week until further notice
The New England Booster Club Raffle Winner for February 8th is Ace Anderson - Clarksville, TN - $100.00!! Congratulations, Ace!!
Pep Band WILL play at the Girls Basketball game vs Trinity tomorrow (Sat. Feb. 9th). Musicians be at school by 2:15!!
The Sweetheart/Snow-Ball Dance for tomorrow (Sat. Feb 9th) has been POSTPONED due to the cold weather! Watch for rescheduled date soon!!
The New England Booster Club will be taking Valentine orders until Friday, February 8th. There is still time to order something special for that someone special.
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be tomorrow, February 6, and next Wednesday, February 13, from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
New England Public School is going to start two hours late tomorrow, Monday, February 4th.
New England Booster Club Raffle Winner for February 1st is Gavin FItterer - Fargo - $100! Congrats, Gavin!!!
An After-Prom Party Meeting will be held tonight (Friday, February 1st) in the Home Ec Room between the BBB JV and Varsity games. If this time does not work for you, please stop by after the Varsity game. See you tonight!
New England Elementary School is taking the kids heart challenge to help save lives! Jump rope activities will be held in physical education over the next few weeks. Fundraising packets are due by February 15. All Students have received their informational packets. Money may also be raised online by creating a website for your child at
We already have a table full of items for lost and found again! Please check soon!
The After-Prom Party Committee meeting is at 5:00 p.m. tonight in the Home Ec Room. All are invited!
This evening, January 28, the Booster Club will be on hand to sell their Tiger Wear and also to take orders for balloons for their Valentines Day fundraiser.
It is Parents Night for GBB tonight. Parents will be announced between the A and B games. Please be present between 6:15 and 6:30.
Drills and Skills will also be performing at the half-times of the A & B games. Pre-K through 1st graders should be here by 5:30. Second and third graders should be here by 6:30 p.m.
There will be no BBB C-Team tournament on January 31 or February 2.
The boys basketball team will play a "C" squad game on Tuesday, January 29th starting at 4:00 PM.
The girls basketball team will play a "C" squad game on Monday, January 28th starting at 4:00 PM.
New England Booster Club Raffle Winner for January 25th is Shari Wolf - New England - $100!! Way to go, Shari!!
Hazen’s National Honor Society is participating in Alzheimer’s Awareness Week, and Friday’s boys’ basketball game has been designated as purple night. All fans are encouraged to wear purple to show their support.
Route 6 had bus trouble this morning, Friday, January 25th. The bus will be running late.